Attorney Pasieczny at 40th Annual NWSI in Seattle

As current chair-elect of the Oregon State Bar’s Securities Regulation Section, attorney Darlene Pasieczny (pictured here moderating a panel via webcast) assisted with the program planning for the 40th Annual Northwest Securities Institute (NWSI) program in Seattle, Washington. As part of this panel presentation, attorney Dan Keppler and SEC trial counsel Brent Smyth spoke on SEC receiverships, and attorneys Heidi Brooks Bradley and Diana Breaux spoke on the FHLB v. Credit Suisse litigation and the Securities Act of Washington. The remaining program saw excellent presentations by SEC and state regulators (including Dorothy Bean from the Oregon Division of Financial Regulation) and securities attorneys from Oregon, Washington, and Canada, on a wide range of topics.

Darlene Pasieczny’s practice at Samuels Yoelin Kantor LLP focuses on all stages of corporate and securities law issues, securities litigation and FINRA arbitration, as well as fiduciary litigation in trust and estate disputes, and elder financial abuse.