File Individual Claims for Apple REITs
Banks Law Office is actively investigating Apple REITs, certain collateralized mortgage obligations (“CMOs”), and Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits (“REMICs”) sold by David Lerner Associates, Inc. ( “DLA”).
This investigation follows a formal complaint filed by FINRA alleging that DLA sold Apple REIT Ten shares “targeting unsophisticated and elderly customers” to buy illiquid securities. Glade M. Knight, the founder, chairman and CEO of Apple REIT Cos., is also being investigated.
We strongly encourage all investors to seriously consider filing individual claims before deciding to participate in a class action lawsuit. In our experience, investors who bring individual cases often recover more money than those who are merely part of a large class. We would be happy to discuss this further with any investors. Banks Law Office has been protecting investors since 1985 and has years of experience with these types of claims. Please contact us with your questions and concerns. Consultations are free.