Pasicezny Recognized For Her Work To Protect Investors
Investor Defender attorney Darlene Pasieczny was recognized recently at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association (PIABA), in Orlando, Florida.
Pasieczny was commended for her work on PIABA’s SRO Committee, which monitors FINRA and SEC arbitration rule-making proposals that are of significant interest to the PIABA membership and investing public. With the approval of its Board of Directors, committee members research and prepare PIABA’s comment letters on proposed securities regulation rule changes.

Darlene Pasieczny’s practice at Samuels Yoelin Kantor LLP focuses on all stages of corporate and securities law issues, securities litigation and FINRA arbitration, fiduciary litigation in trust and estate disputes, and complex civil litigation. Darlene’s practice includes representing investors nationwide in investment disputes through FINRA arbitration.